Late last SEM, a friend by extension (a friend of a friend) got Joelle pregnant (won’t even bother changing her real name-cause let’s be honest, what are the chances that you can single this one Joelle in all the Joelles in Kenya). Earlier before she got pregnant, I used to think she was hot-she had one of those faces and them curves that made a ninja just naturally curious. Cause the first day I saw her, even before talking to her, I was willing to know her physically, emotionally, intellectually, financially and if need be sexually but there was only one problem-her height. How I wish she had had other problems instead like a walking style which from that, we could have worked something out but no-it had to be the height. Naturally we are both tall, her being more than me. Not that I have anything against tall chicks, but if I were to walk together with her especially on main campus near the administration block, we would both look like a genetic err awaiting to happen-plus there is something about the short chicks that just makes me tick-so long story short, I didn’t make a move at her-and thank the universe for that.
Back at the end of the sem, we were all broke. We had played all our cards on getting money from our dear and loving parents and generally we were living on fumes-figuratively speaking. So the guy couldn’t have chosen the worst time to get a chick pregnant as the abortion harambee money was not available and sadly it was not exactly something you could hit your parents up for-unless they are really cool and really irresponsible-but aint that what’s uncles are for. Thank goodness for the uncles, lawd knows I want to be one soon cause they have helped a lot of ninjas get out of police custody from a weekend night gone wrong. Anyway, the guy, made several calls and just like that, 5k was available and we only had to hustle 2k before before sato and it was on Thursday evening. Mind you, it’s the same guys who are sleeping hungry must get 2k with a deadline  for an activity they did not play part in and for an expense they wont take part in(aint bro code just a bitch) but we made due and walla the mulla was available on sato morning.
Approximately 12 hours later and 7k poorer they returned- all parentless. The deed had been done, and we all tried not to judge-mainly because three quarter of us thought we could have done the same shit in the same scenario while the other quarter were not even sure if they fire anything else apart from the blanks-and me, I was just somewhere between the masses, wasn’t really categorized. but on return of the love birds, I noticed something surprising, not only did they come with an ear to ear smiles, I noticed Joelle came with a certain glow on her- it’s like after the operation (who am I’m kidding) after the abortion, she went to get some massage n came looking all bangable again. I started thinking that we were conned into financing their weekend getaway but remembered seeing a popped tummy so I did let it slip
But the reason behind her actions were understandable- maybe she had strict parents who might disown her, didn’t have the finances to give that child the life she had always dreamt she’d offer or maybe she didn’t trust her morals enough to think she’d  make a good parent. Whatever it was I understood-didn’t agree with it, but I understood. Now flash forward to this sem- with a long holiday that lasted close to six months (was hoping for eight), seems like it was a very busy holiday indeed. While I was busy being curved and spending countless nights alone between the curtains, some people were busy getting it on a free flow-only problem, they did it like amateurs’.
There are a lot of females who came back pregnant-even the chick who were played the hypothetical bae game with-came with a bump and it got me thinking-how amazing is that. For one, and I swear im not trying to be crude, they don’t get to go through the seven days of bitchiness where the attitude and unpredictability will be out of place. Its like they got a nine months’ vacation which by calculation, itll be a whole day 63(9X7) days off…..give or take some days.
Then there is the issue of fertility,  some people have to wait until their late twenties or early thirties when they are able to trap a financially and physically well doing individual into marriage before finding out how good of a genes they actually have. They also get to confirm to the reckless ninjas that their aim is not only straight but also, they are not shooting blanks.
They are courageous and brave. All jokes aside- this is the one trait that I’ll always admire from this ladies. I don’t know how it would feel like walking around while knowing perfect strangers are judging you on the one thing they do on almost every weekend if not daily-and that’s only strangers. You know for a fact that they guys who used to vibe you, the chicks who used to be down with and the course mate are prolly discussing your situation. It takes a lot to be pregnant and still not press that deferment button.
Then last but not least-it’s an indication of self-belief. Where you trust in yourself so much that even when the bumps or even better(or worse) when the labor pain kicks in, you trust yourself enough to think-or know that you’ll handle it well- which can very well occur in the middle of a lecture.
Being pregnant in campus is not the ideal thing. But I’d rather walk with someone who is about to have a kid than the one who removed one.


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